See how to create, deliver and capture value with our propositions without speculating.
Sprint 1
Proposition Planning
Get a comprehensive view of how your propositions could be delivered and managed.
Key Activities:
Journey mapping
Customer actions
Backstage planning
Support mapping
Solution architecture
Sprint 2
Expert Interviews
Build a clear understanding of the capabilities you’ll need in place to power each proposition.
Key Activities:
Artifact development
Interview exectuion
Feedback review
Partner research
Proposition iterations
Sprint 3
Proposition Creation
Develop customer-facing versions of your propositions ready for testing and iteration.
Key Activities:
Business model design
Value proposition design
Brand development
Protoype development
Support documentation
Sprint 4
Mid-Fi Experimentation
Gather evidence and remove the greatest amount of risk with the least amount of capital.
Key Activities:
Assumption mapping
Experiment design
Experiment execution
Analysis and test outcombs
Chris Starns
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